Our Service Platform: Learn More About PACE™
PACE™ is the result of 30 years' experience, working closely with CEOs and C-Suite Teams of global Fortune 500 corporations, based on the leadership practices that have had a significant impact on building industry leading companies. Across a diverse range of clients and industries, the same patterns emerged to define the 4 pillars of PACE™.
PACE™ + customization, enablement, and sustainability
Practical, Customized Solutions with PACE™
While all C-Suite Teams have different needs, they all share the same need for customized, tangible approaches that go beyond theory that they can implement for results, with their teams.
Mastery of Purpose
Through our customized approach, you and your senior team will be supported to assess long-term trends, your existing market position and define your market and customer segmentation to establish Enterprise Strategy and Objectives measurable to your long-term Financial Plan.
Did you Know?
That purpose-driven companies outperform the S&P 500 by 14:1 (Firms of Endearment Sisodia and Wolf)
Mastery of Alignment
Re-aligning your organization is key to delivering your Strategy. With our expertise and knowledge of your Strategy, you will position leaders at Head Office and in your Field to execute strategic goals while keeping everyone on the same page about the implications for how leaders and managers must think and operate differently.
Did you Know?
That of 11,000 senior managers, only 1/3 could name their top 3 goals (MIT). It's not surprising since only 42% of companies give their managers access to their company’s strategy. (Palladium Group)
Mastery of Clarity
Access our powerful Executive Advisory Services to strengthen your leadership presence and ability to inspire and engage your people in your Strategic Plan. Gain clarity with awareness; understand how your leadership style is impacting your success and how a shift can transform your success.
Did you Know?
That it’s consistently estimated that over 80% of success in leadership and life comes from mastering your inner game? It seems that the 80/20 rule is at play here - 80% success rooted in how you perceive your world; 20% success from systems and skills.
Mastery of Empowerment
We customize planning approaches to support your senior leaders to develop business strategies targeted to your Strategic Goals that empower teamwork to build your company together.
Did you Know?
That top-down leadership inhibits management and employee decision-making that’s vital for success in the Digital Economy. (Digitalist Magazine, SAP).